Here goes nothin'. Woop Woop. Nothin' but guts.
Current Barometer Advisory Level => Minimal. Always Starry Vincent Alert. Jack Alltrade acting up. Cascadian noodly appendage. Nobody reads the script. Internal, rotational, spinning, inverted, groovy, rolling. Kolobok. Outta red rum. Ayeeee! Laurel Yanny DJ. A cat. "Who IS this OUTRAGEOUS MAN?" //He'll put out some feelers. :) Chinaman cometh. A well respected man about town. Fat jokes! Always fun! That's right, temporary police. Temporal, actually. :) Crystals and lenses. Stolen Shit Link. ¶ Seedvirgin land. Trippy noises. Chirp city. Leaflet by Sir Chadwick Moore That Government! Gimme girls! W seems strainiusly content and overworked. My favorite radio. Footnote in a history novel. Movel. AS USUAL |